Current Issues
We work with some of the greatest people, in the greatest places, that have the greatest challenges. We help communities meet these challenges by doing the right project at the right time for the right reasons. Our goal is to become the most sought-after resource for rural communities in the Intermountain West because of our thought leadership and project outcomes.
Is your Website a Stud or a Dud?

Imagine that you live in a small town in Utah. You have been thinking about expanding your house to include an additional room. So, you go online and find your town’s website. After a couple of minutes spent searching for regulations, contact information, or anything useful; you give up. The website was either too cluttered […]
Read More >The Case for Main Street

You can’t buy everything you need from a giant company like Amazon (as of this month). It probably sounds surprising to some, but according to the US Census, only about 13% of all sales are conducted online. So, if people don’t want to buy something online, and apparently the vast majority of purchases done aren’t, […]
Read More >What is a CWPP?

(Click for Video) This year Utah has seen more devastating wildfires than ever. It seems almost every week news outlets are covering a new fire. Discussions about evacuation and the number of homes in danger or lost seems almost commonplace. The worst part is that this is not a new story, this happens every […]
Read More >“Plain Language”

(Click for Video) Cities are notorious for producing documents that are thick and hard to understand. If you ask most city staff if they know what’s in their ordinances very few even know. For some reason, it has become commonplace to make city code inaccessible to the average citizen because it has become cryptic […]
Read More >Local Government Strategic Planning 101

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Read More >Generating Real Value!

It goes without saying that a private enterprise needs to generate real value in order to stay in business. Congratulations to Jones & DeMille Engineering! They are celebrating their 36th year of helping communities in the Intermountain West. See what the media is saying about it here.
Read More >Public Engagement Roadmap

One of the most frustrating paradoxes for local government is that they are doing the public’s business, and they can’t seem to get the public’s attention. A successful roadmap for public engagement must do at least these three things: Generate public understanding and gauge overall support for the project. Identify local priorities and ideas […]
Read More >State Requirements for Planning in Utah

Planning for the future of the community is essential to maintaining its quality of life. A current general plan and ordinances will allow the community to protect property rights while steering growth and providing an adequate level of service for residents and business owners. GENERAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS Municipalities in Utah are required to […]
Read More >Death By Meeting

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